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Databases and Software

Signal Analysis Software for Windows


There are two MSI installers for downloading and installing NHTSA NVS R&D software: VSRsofware.msi and VSR_RDDBsoftware.msi. Each installer can automatically install software applications, libraries and relative system files to your computer system, as well as generate a folder containing application shortcuts on desktop. The installer is also an uninstaller, however, installation and uninstallation must use the same installer.

Operating system: 32-bit Microsoft Window 7 professional and up; 32-bit Window 7 Enterprise is the most favorite.

64-bit Downloads

64-bit Operating system: 64-bit Microsoft Window 7 professional/ Enterprise and Window 10

Download VSRsoftware_x64 (v6.17.12.7)

Download Engineering analysis software, using local UDS files for impact tests. This installer will install 16 applications:

(1) 208Neck - 208 Neck Shear analysis
(2) AcebulumIlliac - Acebulum-Illiac signal analysis
(3) BwFilt - Filter signal forward and backward with a second order Butterworth algorithm
(4) Clip3ms - Clip 3 ms analysis
(5) CombinedThoracicInjury - Combined thoracic Injury computations and analysis
(6) CompareSignals - Estimate signal similarities
(7) Fir100 - Computations for 100 Hz finite impulse response filtering of digitized time-series signals
(8) HIC - Head injury criteria computations
(9) Intrusion - Intrusion analysis
(10) Merts - Merts force shear criteria computations and analysis
(11) Nij - Neck injury criteria computations
(12) PlotBrowser - Plot, resample and analyze UDS signals
(13) Resultant - Resultant computations of a set of two or three dimension signals
(14) TibiaIndex -- Tibia moment, force and index computations and analysis
(15) TTL - TTI (Thoracic Trauma Index) computations and analysis
(16) VC - Viscous criterion computations and analysis

Download VSR_RDDBsoftware_x64 (v6.17.12.11)

Download Engineering analysis software, remotely accessing data/information from NHTAS R&D database for a single test. This installer will install 14 applications:

(1) AnkleRotation - Ankle rotation analysis
(2) AutoInjuryCriteria - Vehicle injury criteria value computations and analysis
(3) CompareTestSignal - Estimate similarities of a set of signals by referencing a signal
(4) CompatibilityEvaluation - Signal compatibility evaluation
(5) FiveStarRating_old - Vehicle five star rating with the old guide.
(6) InjuryAssessmentValue - IAV (Injury Assessment Value) computations for a test.
(7) LoadCellAnalysis - Loadcell analysis for an impact test
(8) RearImpactInjury - Rear impact injury analysis
(9) ReportGenerator - Generate impact test reports
(10) RoofCrush - Vehicle roof crush analysis
(11) SignalBrowser - IAV computations and analysis for signals in an impact test
(12) SubmarineIndicator - Submarine indicator value computations
(13) ToePanIntrusion - Toe-pan intrusion analysis
(14) VehicleChecker - Check the brief information for vehicle test

32-bit Downloads

32-bit Operating system: 32-bit Microsoft Window 7 professional and up; 32-bit Window 7 Enterprise is the most favorite.

Download VSRsoftware

Download Engineering analysis software, using local UDS files for impact tests. This installer will install 17 applications:

(1) 208Neck – 208 Neck Shear analysis
(2) AcebulumIlliac – Acebulum-Illiac signal analysis
(3) BwFilt – Filter signal forward and backward with a second order Butterworth algorithm
(4) Clip3ms – Clip 3 ms analysis
(5) CombinedThoracicInjury – Combined thoracic Injury computations and analysis
(6) CompareSignals – Estimate signal similarities
(7) Fir100 – Computations for 100 Hz finite impulse response filtering of digitized time-series signals
(8) HIC – Head injury criteria computations
(9) Intrusion – Intrusion analysis
(10) MadyPlot – Mady signal plotting
(11) Merts – Merts force shear criteria computations and analysis
(12) Nij – Neck injury criteria computations
(13) PlotBrowser – Plot, resample and analyze UDS signals
(14) Resultant – Resultant computations of a set of two or three dimension signals
(15) TibiaIndex -- Tibia moment, force and index computations and analysis
(16) TTL – TTI (Thoracic Trauma Index) computations and analysis
(17) VC – Viscous criterion computations and analysis

Download VSR_RDDBsoftware

Download Engineering analysis software, remotely accessing data/information from NHTAS R&D database for a single test. Note that the remote-accessing feature of applications with versions earlier than v2.14.6.23 or applications deployed by installers with versions earlier than v14.6.19 has been disable due to a security issue. This installer will install 15 applications:

(1) AnkleRotation – Ankle rotation analysis
(2) AutoInjuryCriteria – Vehicle injury criteria value computations and analysis
(3) CompareTestSignal – Estimate similarities of a set of signals by referencing a signal
(4) CompatibilityEvaluation – Signal compatibility evaluation
(5) FiveStarRating_old – Vehicle five star rating with the old guide.
(6) InjuryAssessmentValue – IAV (Injury Assessment Value) computations for a test.
(7) LoadCellAnalysis – Loadcell analysis for an impact test
(8) MHDFilter – MHD Filtering computations and analysis.
(9) RearImpactInjury – Rear impact injury analysis
(10) ReportGenerator – Generate impact test reports
(11) RoofCrush – Vehicle roof crush analysis
(12) SignalBrowser – IAV computations and analysis for signals in an impact test
(13) SubmarineIndicator – Submarine indicator value computations
(14) ToePanIntrusion – Toe-pan intrusion analysis
(15) VehicleChecker – Check the brief information for vehicle test


Should you have difficulty with the installation kit or any of the applications included therein, please contact the webmaster, or send postal mail to:

U.S. Dept. of Transportation
1200 New Jersey Ave SE
Washington, DC 20590
ATTN: Signal Analysis Software Tools

Check this website for announcements and updates to the program.
All reports to our technical support will receive a response within two (2) business days. Bug reports and usability issues will be prioritized above new feature requests.