The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration will hold a virtual event on the Expansion of the Automated Vehicle Transparency and Engagement for Safe Testing Initiative on January 11 at 1 p.m. ET.
The AV TEST Initiative was launched in June as a pilot program, and includes an interactive tool that displays information that states and companies have submitted to NHTSA about automated driving system testing and regulations across the U.S. This upcoming event will focus on how more states and companies have agreed to participate in the AV TEST Initiative and voluntarily submit information about testing in an effort to raise awareness of developments and testing activities, to deepen cooperation and coordination among participants, to share best practices for safe testing, and to facilitate greater public understanding of ongoing automated driving system projects.
U.S. Department of Transportation leaders will provide remarks at the event, and we’ll hear from others about their experience in collaborating to address testing of automated driving systems. Speakers will include:
- NHTSA Deputy Administrator James Owens,
- FMCSA Deputy Administrator James Wiley Deck,
- Ariel Wolf, Counsel to the Self-Driving Coalition for Safer Streets, and
- Major General K. Luke Reiner (Ret.) Director, Wyoming Department of Transportation.