Indianapolis, INGHSA Annual Meeting

September 7 – 11, 2024
The Governors Highway Safety Association’s 2024 Annual Meeting will be held in Indianapolis.
Resource Links from NHTSA
Traffic Techs | Fact Sheets | Research Notes | Publications | Resources & Training |
Traffic Safety Marketing | Websites | New on the Web | Coming Soon
Traffic Techs
- Best Practices of Successful State Impaired-Driving Task Forces
- Risk Communication Strategies and Existing Alcohol-Impaired and Distracted Driving Safety Messages
- Electronic Device Use: A Review of the Literature on Addictive Behaviors
- Evaluation of North Dakota’s 24/7 Sobriety Program
- State of Knowledge on Older Drivers
- Older Drivers’ Use of Rearview Video Systems
- Updated Literature Review of the Effects of Medical Conditions on Driving
- A Framework for Assessing Pedestrian Exposure Using GPS and Accelerometer Walking Data
- Nighttime Seat Belt Enforcement: A How-To Guide and Case Study Summary
- A Guide for Traffic Safety Practitioners: Best Practices for Increasing Seat Belt Use in Rural Communities
- Child Passenger Safety Perception and Practices in Ride-Sharing Vehicles
Fact Sheets
- Crash Stats: Early Estimate of Motor Vehicle Traffic Fatalities in 2023
- Crash Stats: Early Estimate of Motor Vehicle Traffic Fatalities for the First Quarter of 2024
- Crash Stats: Early Estimates of Motor Vehicle Traffic Fatalities and Fatality Rate by Sub-Categories 2023
- 2022 Data - Teens and Distracted Driving
- 2022 Data - Occupant Protection in Passenger Vehicles
- 2022 Data - Children
- 2022 Data - Large Trucks
- 2022 Data - Alcohol-Impaired Driving
- 2022 Data - Pedestrians
- 2022 Data - Motorcycles
- 2022 Data - Speeding
- 2013-2022 Data - School-Transportation-Related Crashes
- 2022 Data - State Alcohol-Impaired-Driving Estimates
- 2022 Data - Passenger Vehicles
- 2022 Data - Race and Ethnicity
- Quick Facts 2022
- 2021 Data - Older Population
- 2022 Data - Bicyclists and Other Cyclists
Research Notes
- Traffic Records Data Quality Management Guide: Update to the Model Performance Measures for State Traffic Records Systems
- MMUCC Guideline Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria, 6th Edition
- Countermeasures That Work: A Highway Safety Countermeasure Guide for State Highway Safety Offices, 11th Edition
- Countermeasures That Work: An Introductory Resource for Rural Communities
- Best Practices of Successful State Impaired-Driving Task Forces
- Review of Risk Communication Strategies and Existing Alcohol-Impaired and Distracted Driving Safety Messages: Technical Report
- Electronic Device Use: A Review of the Literature on Addictive Behaviors
- Evaluation of North Dakota’s 24/7 Sobriety Program
- State of Knowledge on Older Drivers
- Older Drivers’ Use of Rearview Video Systems
- Updated Literature Review of the Effects of Medical Conditions on Driving
- A Framework for Assessing Pedestrian Exposure Using GPS and Accelerometer Walking Data
- Nighttime Seat Belt Enforcement: A How-To Guide and Case Study Summary
- A Guide for Traffic Safety Practitioners: Best Practices for Increasing Seat Belt Use in Rural Communities
- Child Passenger Safety Perception and Practices in Ride-Sharing Vehicles
- Post-Crash Care Infographic 2023
- 2023 EMS Annual Recap
- Driver Education and Training Promising Practices: A Systemic Literature Review
- Drug-Impaired Driving Data Collection: Report to Congress
- Report on Marijuana Research: Report to Congress
Resources & Training
- Data Visualization - Fatality Analysis Reporting System
- Planning Safer School Bus Stops and Routes
- Micromobility
- Pupil Transportation Photo Library
- Pedestrian Image Library
- Bike Safety Image Library
- Motorcycle Safety – Developing Your Program Through Data and Collaboration
- Motorcycle Safety – Law Enforcement Officer Course
- School Bus Safety: October 21-25, 2024
- Pedestrian Safety Month: October 2024
- Pedestrian and Motorist Motion Graphics
NHTSA Campaign Assets
- NHTSA Communications Calendar
- Vehicular Heatstroke Prevention
- Car Seats, Boosters and Seat Belts
- Thanksgiving Holiday Travel
- Buckle Up - Every Trip. Every Time - November 23, 2024 - December 1, 2024
- Buzzed Driving Is Drunk Driving and If You Feel Different, You Drive Different - November 23, 2024
- Winter Holidays | Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over National Mobilization - December 13, 2023 – January 1, 2024
- National Motorcycle Safety Resource Guide
- Motorcycle Safety
- Bicycle Safety
Coming Soon
- Click It or Ticket seat belt safety enforcement digital ad - May 2026
- National speed prevention campaign ads for both social norming and enforcement - July 2026
- NHTSA’s EMS.gov: Web page was redesigned and overhauled in 2023
- USDOT’s Post-Crash Care NRSS
- EMS.gov’s EMS & Post-Crash Care
- National Database of EMS Legislation: NHTSA and the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) have created an online resource called the EMS Legislative Database, which provides up-to-date, real-time information about enacted EMS legislation in all 50 States, the District of Columbia and U.S. territories.
- National EMS Information System: Non-Fatal Opioid Overdose Surveillance Tracker and Public Motor Vehicle Crash Dashboard
- National 911 Program 2023 Annual Summary
New on the Web
Coming Soon to NHTSA.gov
- Reducing the Illegal Passing of School Buses
- NHTSA conducted a research study on the illegal passing of stopped school buses. Illegal passing of stopped school buses is a frequent occurrence across the country that can result in severe injury or death for children boarding or disembarking from a school bus. Little is known about why drivers violate school bus passing laws. Recently, camera-based enforcement systems have been implemented as part of efforts to catch violators and improve driver behavior around stopped school buses. The Reducing the Illegal Passing of School Buses project has concluded, and the Illegal Passing State Laws Report (Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act requirement), the updated Reducing the Illegal Passing of School Buses Best Practices Guide, and the Driver Knowledge of School Bus Passing Laws: A National Survey Report and corresponding Traffic Tech, should be available in fall 2024.
- Illegal Passing Public Messaging Campaign
- Nearly every day, millions of children across the United States line up to ride the bus to school. The school bus is one of the safest modes of transportation, but illegal school bus passing poses a significant threat to children and their caretakers. NHTSA will be launching a 2024 update to the national media campaign to educate drivers and the public about the dangers of illegally passing stopped school buses. NHTSA focused on education and outreach efforts on safe loading and unloading of school buses and highlight the risks associated with illegal passing of school buses, reminding the public to always stop for school buses.
- Driver Knowledge of School Bus Passing Laws: A National Survey
- The objective of this study was to survey a nationally representative sample of drivers to assess their knowledge related to school bus passing laws to determine where any gaps might exist to better inform NHTSA’s countermeasure development efforts.
- Update to National Motorcycle Safety Resources
- NHTSA is working to update the following foundational motorcycle safety resources:
- National Agenda for Motorcycle Safety (2006) – Provides the foundation for a strong State motorcycle safety program.
- Model National Standards for Entry-Level Rider Training (2011) – Establishes baseline content that all entry-level riders should be taught in motorcycle rider training classes in the United States.
- Model National Standards for State Motorcycle Rider Training Programs (2014) –Establishes a minimum acceptable level of operation for State Motorcycle Rider Training Programs.
- NHTSA is working to update the following foundational motorcycle safety resources:
- A Community of Practice (established January 2024) was developed to incorporate broader stakeholder input to document updates to ensure the documents are useful, accurate, culturally relevant, equitable, and consistent in terminology and recommendations.
- Motorcycle Safety Community Outreach and Planning
- NHTSA is working to develop documentation (safety toolkit, checklist, etc.) for motorcycle organizations to implement in ensuring the safety of road users before, during, and after a motorcycle event.
- Micromobility Device Identification Toolkit for First Responders
- The objective of this task is to develop training and resources for fire, EMS, and law enforcement first responders to use in understanding and identifying micromobility devices; understanding how to safely handle micromobility devices (i.e., crash response considerations for safe handling); identifying applicable laws; and supporting informed interactions with micromobility device users.
- Traffic Safety Professionals Training on Older Road User Safety - Anticipated completion: 2025
- The objective of this task is to provide valuable and applicable web-based training for Law Enforcement Officers, State Driver License Agency staff (specifically, counter staff and examiners) and other professionals regarding older driver safety.
- Adapting Motor Vehicles for People With Disabilities - Resource Development - Anticipated completion: 2025
- The objective of this task is to develop a resource that will provide access, knowledge, awareness, and tools to diverse communities on adapting motor vehicles for people with disabilities. The resource is intended for the public, people with disabilities, and those who work with people with disabilities. This project is to keep road users with disabilities safe on our nation’s roadways.
- Graduated De-Licensing and Older Driver Safety -Anticipated completion: 2025
- The objective of this task is to provide State driver licensing agencies and decisionmakers a guide and resources to help identify the most effective policies and graduated-delicensing program to help address older driver safety in their localities.
- Older Driver Safety Continuing Education for Health Care Professionals
https://www.medscape.org/viewcollection/33270- Educational activities (courses) with available continuing medical education credits at no cost are directed to health professionals to enhance knowledge and understanding the impact of medical conditions and impairment on safe driving and the role of the health care provider.
Twenty courses have been released for continuing medical education for clinicians related to older driving, and more trainings are to come.
- Educational activities (courses) with available continuing medical education credits at no cost are directed to health professionals to enhance knowledge and understanding the impact of medical conditions and impairment on safe driving and the role of the health care provider.
- Older Driver Research Feasibility Study - Anticipated completion: 2025
- This project explores the efficacy of smart phone apps as an intervention for older drivers. This project will describe selected apps’ functions, specifically how the systems detect and alert drivers to risky behaviors, conduct a literature review and crash data analysis to identify driving behaviors commonly associated with crashes among young adult and older adult drivers, and discuss the findings in a report that discusses the likelihood that each identified system would be effective in reducing risky driving behaviors among these cohorts of drivers. A final report will describe the findings from a smart phone app scan and review, a literature review, and a crash data analysis. This report will discuss the extent to which the apps’ designs, including feedback timing and modality, are optimal for each driver age group, and how they could be expected to change drivers’ behavior under conditions associated with elevated crash risk for each age group. It will discuss whether such apps could be expected to reduce crash risk for young adult and/or older adult drivers. For more information, see rip.trb.org/View/1977954.
- Novice Teen Driver Education Data Collection Guide
- This guide was developed to assist State Driver Education Program Administrators in reviewing their current data collection efforts, identifying additional sources of relevant information, managing operations, assessing the status of driver education efforts, demonstrating accomplishments, and providing a foundation for possible research.
- State of Knowledge on Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety
- This literature review will comprehensively scan the literature, obtain and compile necessary documents, critically review documents, and objectively synthesize the research – drawing conclusions that allow a solid understanding of the topic and provide a basis for sound policy decisions. It will consist of an executive summary and multiple standalone chapters that cover various aspects of pedestrian and bicyclist safety.
- Stop-As-Yield Law Analysis Report
- NHTSA conducted a systematic review and empirical analysis of stop-as-yield laws and their effects on bicyclist safety and behaviors. The study focused on eight selected metropolitan statistical areas across different States. The analysis considered objective outcomes to explore the effects of SAY laws on bicycle conflicts, crashes, injuries, and fatalities.
- Drugs and Human Performance Fact Sheets: 2024
- These fact sheets are based on the latest scientific research and provide practical guidance for evaluating and understanding drug-impaired-driving cases. The information is intended for Drug Recognition Experts and other law enforcement officers, attorneys, judges, and toxicologists. The fact sheets also will benefit those in research, public health, advocacy, and driver education fields.
- 2022-2023 National Survey of Speeding Attitudes and Behaviors
- NHTSA presents the fourth National Survey of Speeding Attitudes and Behaviors in a series of surveys spanning 1997, 2002, 2011, and 2022-2023. These surveys yield national estimates of driver behaviors and attitudes toward speeding in the United States.