You are invited to join the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) for the launch of the Automated Vehicle Transparency and Engagement for Safe Testing Initiative (AV TEST Initiative).
The USDOT will host a series of virtual kickoff events aimed at raising awareness of Automated Driving Systems development and testing activities, and facilitating greater public understanding around activities that support safe development and on-road testing of prototype Automated Driving Systems in the United States.
In addition to engaging with stakeholders and the public, the AV TEST Initiative aims to increase transparency by providing an online, public-facing platform for sharing automated driving system on-road testing activities and other pertinent information with the public. Online mapping tools will eventually show testing locations at the local, State, and national levels, as well as testing activity data, such as vehicle types and uses, dates, frequency, vehicle counts, and routes.
June 15-18, 2020
Monday, June 15, at 1:00 PM ET: AV TEST Initiative Launch
This kickoff event will feature opening remarks from U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Elaine L. Chao, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Deputy Administrator James C. Owens, Federal Highway Administration Administrator Nicole Nason, and U.S. DOT Deputy Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy Finch Fulton.
Wednesday, June 17, at 1:00 PM ET: Opportunities and Challenges with Automated Driving Systems
This discussion will include leaders from private-sector organizations focused on different use cases of Automated Driving Systems, including developers, testing companies, passenger-less delivery, and other innovative companies. Topics will include a discussion of opportunities and challenges in safe on-road testing, design for inclusivity, and emerging technologies that are being used among industry stakeholders.
Thursday, June 18, at 1:00 PM ET: The Role of On-Road Testing in Automated Driving Systems Development and Safe Deployment
This discussion will include perspectives from leaders in industry, academia, and government to gain a broad overview for the need, role, and history of on-road testing of automotive technologies and specifically in the ongoing development of Automated Driving Systems toward their eventual safe deployment. Topics will include the current state of development and prototype testing in the United States with a focus on technical progress achieved to date, key remaining challenges, and activities underway.
Note that the links above are for registration only – after you register, you will receive a link to the specific virtual event(s) you registered to attend.
Monday, June 15, 2020 | 1 – 1:30 p.m.
Secretary Elaine L. Chao
U.S. Department of Transportation
James C. Owens
Deputy Administrator
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Finch Fulton
Deputy Assistant Secretary
U.S. Department of Transportation
Nicole Nason
Federal Highway Administration
James C. Owens
Deputy Administrator
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Panel Discussions
Wednesday, June 17, 2020 | 1 p.m. ET: Opportunities and Challenges with Automated Driving Systems – Virtual Panel
This discussion will include leaders from private-sector organizations focused on different use cases of Automated Driving Systems, including developers, testing companies, passenger-less delivery, and other innovative companies. Topics will include a discussion of opportunities and challenges in safe on-road testing, design for inclusivity, and emerging technologies that are being used among industry stakeholders.
Mr. Mitchell S. Kominsky
Special Assistant for Policy, Governmental, and Public Affairs
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Mr. Matthew Lipka
Head of Public Policy
Mr. Joe Moye
Chief Executive Officer
Dr. Matthew Schwall
Head of Field Safety
Ms Chris Mullen
Director of Self Driving Vehicle Safety Standards
Uber Advanced Technologies Group
Dr. Jennifer Dawson
Senior Manager for Functional Safety
Toyota Research Institute
Thursday, June 18, 2020 | 1 p.m. ET: The Role of On-Road Testing in Automated Driving Systems Development and Safe Deployment – Virtual Panel
This discussion will include perspectives from leaders in industry, academia, and government to gain a broad overview for the need, role, and history of on-road testing of automotive technologies and specifically in the ongoing development of Automated Driving Systems toward their eventual safe deployment. Topics will include the current state of development and prototype testing in the United States with a focus on technical progress achieved to-date, key remaining challenges, and activities underway.
Dr. Cem Hatipoglu
Associate Administrator
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Dr. Chris Gerdes
Director Center for Automotive Research at Stanford (CARS), Dynamic Design Lab
Stanford University
Dr. Sandeep Neema
Program Manager, Assured Autonomy
Mr. George Nicols
Advanced Technology Standards Engineer, Toyota Motor North America,
On-Road Automated Driving (ORAD) Committee Chair, SAE International
Dr. Chris Urmson
Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer