Interpretation ID: aiam0023
Busby and Rivkin
Counsellors at Law
815 15th Street
DC 20005;
Dear Mr. Busby: Thank you for your letter of April 26, 1967, concerning th interpretation of Safety Standard Number 210.; Paragraph S3.1.1 of Standard Number 208, specifies that the Type 2 sea belt anchorage shall be installed in each outboard passenger seat position that includes the windshield header within the head impact area. Therefore, the rear seat is not included in this area and no Type 2 belt assembly is required. A copy of the Federal Register published February 3, 1967, is enclosed for your information.; With regard to your comments on *Standard Number 209* and on th provision of Section 108(b)(3) of the Act, please be advised that we anticipate the promulgation of joint regulations with the Secretary of the Treasury, permitting the importation of vehicles upon appropriate assurance that they will be brought into conformity with all applicable Federal standards prior to sale. These regulations or related regulations will prescribe the proper means of certifying such nonconforming vehicles in order to insure their admission through United States Customs.; Sincerely yours, George C. Nield, Acting Director, Motor Vehicle Safet Performance Service;