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Interpretation ID: aiam0251

Mr. Lawrence R. Walders, Tanaka and Walders, Federal Bar Building West, 1819 H Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006; Mr. Lawrence R. Walders
Tanaka and Walders
Federal Bar Building West
1819 H Street
D.C. 20006;

Dear Mr. Walders: This will acknowledge your letter of July 27, 1970 to the Nationa Highway Safety Bureau requesting an interpretation of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 110.; You are correct in your statement that no formal petition for rul making action is necessary for tire and rim combination cited within the references of S3 of Standard No. 109.; Concerning your question on 'approval equivalent rim', we offer th following. The policy of the bureau in 1967 at the time of the promulgation of Standards No. 109 and No. 110 was to give a 'blanket' approval of all rims cited within the references. From that time on however, all *new* tire and rim combinations have to be approved by the Bureau. After the tire and rim combination was approved then it was listed within Table I, Appendix A of Standard No. 110.; Standards No. 109 and No. 110 do not have requirements for ri contours. Our Standards only specify the flange letter-code and width for a particular rim designation. Therefore, any request to change a rim dimension of an existing rim does not require a formal action by this Bureau.; Sincerely, Lawrence R. Schneider,Acting Deputy Chief Counsel