Interpretation ID: aiam0265
Consulting Engineer
5403 Blanco Avenue
Woodland Hills
CA 91364;
Dear Mr. Borisoff: Reference is made to your letter of October 14, 1970 to Secretary Volp regarding our Consumer Information publication.; Concerning your comments on stopping distance, the wording used on pag 4 is the exact wording of this regulation. The category 'Stopping distance in feet with emergency brakes (partial service brake system)' is a generalization of the regulatory wording meant to convey the sense of this requirement to a consumer who may have no engineering background. The paragraph on page 193 paraphrases the regulatory wording. The title 'Partial Failure on One System' is, again, meant to convey the meaning to an otherwise uninformed consumer. I trust this clarifies the situation for you.; The reason many motorcycles are not listed is the fact that the dat was not received in time to be included in the book. I am enclosing copies of the data available for U.S. made motorcycles as you requested.; Volume 2, covering the 1971 makes and models will be availabl approximately November 15, 1970 and can be obtained from the Government Printing Office at a cost of $2.00. In addition two (2) new Consumer Aid publications entitled 'BRAKES - A Comparison of Braking Performance for 1971 Passenger Cars' and 'TIRES - A Comparison of Tire Reserve Load for 1971 Passenger Cars' will also be available at a cost of $.40 each.; Many thanks for your kind words and your interest in our motor vehicl safety program.; Sincerely, Rodolfo A. Diaz, Acting Associate Director, Motor Vehicl Programs;