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Interpretation ID: aiam0330

David A. Phelps, Jr., Group Supervisor, Engineering Services, Blue Bird Body Company, Fort Valley, GA 31030; David A. Phelps
Group Supervisor
Engineering Services
Blue Bird Body Company
Fort Valley
GA 31030;

Dear Mr. Phelps: This is in reply to your letter of April 22, 1971, to Mr. Carte concerning section 574.10 of Part 574 - Tire Identification and Record Keeping, as it applies to tires on a chassis for which you sell and mount the body.; In cases where the chassis are manufactured and sold with tires by th chassis manufacturer or chassis dealer, it would be permissible for the manufacturer of the chassis to maintain the record of tires on the chassis, and the name of the user of the chassis, and notify the user in the event a defect notification is required.; Sincerely, Lawrence R. Schneider, Acting Chief Counsel