Interpretation ID: aiam0408
Box 2708
513 HQ SQ
Dear SSGT Jackson-Smith: This is in reply to your recent letter inquiring about the mounting o a spare time between headlights of a Volkswagen Camper.; There is no Federal regulation that prohibits the mounting of the spar tire on the front of a vehicle. Federal motor vehicle safety standards apply to new vehicles and regulate manufacturers so as to assure compliance with applicable requirements. The standards do not regulate the vehicle purchaser and owner.; However, in the importation of vehicles into the United States, certai requirements must be met. These requirements are described in the enclosed pamphlet dated October 1969. If your vehicle has been manufactured more recently, up-to-date requirements may be obtained from your Volkswagen dealer.; It is recommended that inquiry be made of the State in which th vehicle will be licensed or driven for applicable laws and regulations in this area.; We appreciate your concern for motor vehicle safety. Sincerely, E. T. Driver, Director, Office of Operating Systems, Moto Vehicle Programs;