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Interpretation ID: aiam0552

Mr. H. H. Damman, Marketing Administration Manager, Manitowoc Engineering Company, 500 South 16th Street, P. O. Box 70, Manitowoc, WI 54220; Mr. H. H. Damman
Marketing Administration Manager
Manitowoc Engineering Company
500 South 16th Street
P. O. Box 70
WI 54220;

Dear Mr. Damman: I apologize for the delay in answering your letter regarding Part 566 Manufacturer Identification and Part 567, Certification. You describe the machines you manufacture and ask whether you are a final-stage manufacturer within the meaning of the regulation and therefore required to submit information regarding your products.; Part 566 and 567 apply to manufacturers of motor vehicles and moto vehicle equipment to which a motor vehicle safety standard applies. 'Motor vehicle' is defined in the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act as 'any vehicle driven or drawn by mechanical power for use on the public streets, roads, and highways.`; Since the truck cranes you describe appear from the information yo provide us to have a primary purpose of transporting the cranes on public highways, you are considered a manufacturer of motor vehicles and thus you are covered by Parts 566 and 567. Because you 'mount the crane upperworks and outrigger assemblies to the carrier' you are a final-stage manufacturer as defined in Part 568, Vehicles Manufactured in Two or More Stages, and are required to submit information to us under these regulations. As a manufacturer of motor vehicles you are also required to submit information under Part 573, Defect Reports.; I enclose copies of Parts 566, 567, 568, and 573 for your reference. have also attached a description of Government Printing Office documents services which cover NHTSA rulemaking developments.; Sincerely, Richard B. Dyson, Assistant Chief Counsel