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Interpretation ID: aiam0609

Mr. Richard F. Hirsch, 762 W. 30 Street, San Pedro, CA 90731; Mr. Richard F. Hirsch
762 W. 30 Street
San Pedro
CA 90731;

Dear Mr. Hirsch: This is in reply to your letter of January 29, 1972, on the subject o test procedures under Standards 207 and 210.; Your questions deal with the general and frequently asked question o whether a manufacturer may devise his own test procedures to determine compliance with a standard. Our answer is that he is free to use whatever method he thinks appropriate to test his product, so long as his method reliably predicts the performance of the product when tested according to the procedures set out in the standard.; In answer to your first question, therefore, if testing of seats in mock up accurately indicates their performance in a vehicle, then mock up testing might be an appropriate test method. Our laboratories will be testing the seats in the vehicle. If a failure occurs, a manufacturer must show that he exercised due care in the development and production of the seat. To do this it will be necessary to show, among other things, that the development tests you conducted were, in fact, equivalent to the test procedures of the standard.; The same comment is appropriate in response to your second question. I you apply force through the seatbelt that approximates the combined forces of the belt anchorage test and seat anchorage test, you should take care to be sure that the test is, in fact, equivalent to a test in which the anchorages are tested simultaneously in the manner specified in Standards 207 and 210.; Your third question is whether the test must be conducted wit seatbelts and body locks, and if so, whether this would not be a redundant test of the seatbelt that is already required to conform to Standard 209. Although the response given to your first two questions is also appropriate for the third, there are practical reasons for using the vehicle's belts in the test. If the belt breaks, for example, it may be that your client would want to re-examine the sufficiency of the belt. Under Standard 208, the vehicle manufacturer is required to install a belt that conforms to Standard 209. If the belt fails in our testing under Standard 209, the vehicle manufacturer will have to show that he exercised due care in determining that the belt conformed to the standard. Using the belt in testing for Standard 210 is one way of detecting potentially serious belt problems.; Sincerely, Richard B. Dyson, Assistant Chief Counsel