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Interpretation ID: aiam0618

Mr. Kent Chen, Import Manager, Mid-North American Import Export Company, Division of Charles, Incorporated, P. O. Box 529, Council Bluffs, IA 51501; Mr. Kent Chen
Import Manager
Mid-North American Import Export Company
Division of Charles
P. O. Box 529
Council Bluffs
IA 51501;

Dear Mr. Chen: This is in reply to your letter of February 26, 1972, regardin importation of truck tires that were manufactured in Spain.; At the present time, the *proposed* Federal Motor Vehicle Safet Standard No. 119 that will apply to truck tires is in preparation. We expect that it will be issued in the very near future and that it will become effective on or about September 1, 1972.; Until then, truck tires are subject only to Regulation Part 574 - Tir Identification and Recordkeeping, which became effective May 22, 1971. Importation of truck tires for use on the public roads and highways requires compliance with Regulation Part 574. We are enclosing a copy of the regulation so that you may be informed of your obligations as an importer. You may use the listed tires or sell them to distributors and dealers if regulation requirements are satisfied.; We are also enclosing a pamphlet that contains additional guideline concerning importation of motor vehicles and equipment.; Apparently the tires described in your letter are manufactured in th Torrclavego, Santander, Spain plant of General Fabrica Espanola del Caucho, S.A. (General Tire International) and if manufactured since May 22, 1971, would be identified by the code marking *AB*.; Please let us know if we can be of further assistance in this matter. Sincerely, E. T. Driver, Director, Office of Operating Systems, Moto Vehicle Programs;