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Interpretation ID: aiam0655

Mr. Gary Walters, Walters Company...U.S.A., P.O. Box 3463, Enid, OK 73701; Mr. Gary Walters
Walters Company...U.S.A.
P.O. Box 3463
OK 73701;

Dear Mr. Walters: Thank you for your letter of March 7, 1982, requesting the lates information regarding Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) No. 301, clarification of 'leakage' and comments regarding U.S. Patent No. 3,610,263.; An amendment to FMVSS No. 301 will be issued in the near future i response to the Notice of Proposed Rule Making published earlier, 35 F.R, 13799. The substance of this action involves extending the scope of the rule as indicated in the Notice, but the details of the final amendment will not be disclosed before issue. A copy of the Notice is enclosed.; Paragraph S4.4 does not mention leakage but refers to fuel spillag which is defined in S3. There is no assurance that this proposal will remain intact in the final rule since the comments from the industry, continued research, and development work, and many other inputs will influence the course of this rule making.; We are not in a position to comment of the features of any particula device, since our concern is primarily with performance requirements in order to permit originality and choice of different means for design of improved performance. We appreciate the information about your patented fuel tank safety valve assembly, and shall place a copy of this patent in our Docket No. 70-20. This docket is a public file to receive information and comments on matters pertaining to the rule making action on fuel system integrity.; We appreciate you interest in motor vehicle safety. Sincerely, Robert L. Carter, Acting Associate Administrator, Moto Vehicle Programs;