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Interpretation ID: aiam0719

Mr. H. Foegelle, 420 No. Sacramento Street, Super Mold, Inc., Lodi, CA 95240; Mr. H. Foegelle
420 No. Sacramento Street
Super Mold
CA 95240;

Dear Mr. Foegelle: This is in reply to your phone call of June 6, 1972. Under Part 574 the tire identification number may be placed on the side of the top cap area or may be branded into the tire in accordance with the regulation. If the top cap area is used, the number should be as close to the side-wall as is feasible so that the number will remain legible as long as possible. Seetthe (sic) enclosed amendment on this subject (Docket No. 70-12, Notice No. 9).; Sincerely, David Schmeltzer, Assistant Chief Counsel