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Interpretation ID: aiam0736

Mr. Thomas S. Pieratt, Jr., Executive Secretary, Truck Equipment and Body Distributors Assn., 602 Main Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202; Mr. Thomas S. Pieratt
Executive Secretary
Truck Equipment and Body Distributors Assn.
602 Main Street
OH 45202;

Dear Mr. Pieratt: This is in reply to your letter of June 9 asking whether pole trailer must be certified.; The answer is no. According to 49 CFR S 567.2(a), only motor vehicle to which one or more Federal motor vehicle safety standards are applicable must be certified. The only Federal standard currently in effect that applies to 'trailers', Standard No. 108, specifically exempts 'pole trailers' from its applicability and therefore pole trailers need not be certified.; Your letter of February 23 regarding clearance lamps and identificatio lamps is still under consideration and we hope to provide a response in the near future.; Yours truly, Richard B. Dyson, Assistant Chief Counsel