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Interpretation ID: aiam0838

Mr. G. Harrison, General Manager, Protector Africa (Pty.) Ltd., P. O. Box 20, Kempton Park, Transvaal, South Africa; Mr. G. Harrison
General Manager
Protector Africa (Pty.) Ltd.
P. O. Box 20
Kempton Park
South Africa;

Dear Mr. Harrison: This is in reply to your letter of July 31, 1972, in which you reques that your motorcycle helmet be tested by our testing authority. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration does not provide approval of any item of motor vehicle equipment as conforming to any motor vehicle safety standard. Each item is required to conform, but the basis upon which a manufacturer determines whether his product conforms to a standard is a matter within his own discretion.; We thank you for your compliments and for your comments on the propose standard for motorcycle helmets, which have been placed in the rulemaking docket.; Yours truly, Richard B. Dyson, Assistant Chief Counsel