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Interpretation ID: aiam0913

Mr. Gorou Utsunomiya, Branch Manager, Toyo Kogyo USA Rep. Ofc. Det. Branch, 23777 Greenfield Rd., Suite 462, Southfield, MI 48075; Mr. Gorou Utsunomiya
Branch Manager
Toyo Kogyo USA Rep. Ofc. Det. Branch
23777 Greenfield Rd.
Suite 462
MI 48075;

Dear Mr. Utsunomiya:#This is in reply to your letter of October 13 1972, asking a question concerning the location of the identification of the fan control as proposed by Docket No. 1-18, Notice 7. Under the system discussed in your letter, the word 'FAN' would be located on the control panel and illuminated. An additional 'FAN' would appear on the control itself but would not be illuminated.#The NHTSA proposal would require identification of the 'fan control' with the word 'FAN', and that this identification be illuminated. Paragraph S4.2.1 of Standard No. 101 requires that identification be placed on or adjacent to the control. The control panel of your system appears adjacent to the control, and where identification is placed both on and adjacent to the control, illumination of either will meet the proposed requirements.#Yours truly, Richard B. Dyson, Assistant Chief Counsel;