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Interpretation ID: aiam0980

Mr. Michael J. Long, Minister (Commercial), Embassy of Australia, 1601 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20036; Mr. Michael J. Long
Minister (Commercial)
Embassy of Australia
1601 Massachusetts Avenue
DC 20036;

Dear Mr. Long: This is in reply to your letter of January 30, 1973, concerning acryli headlamp covers.; Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 108 incorporates Society o Automotive Engineers (SAE) Standard J580a, which prohibits the use of acrylic headlamp covers as original equipment. The requirements of SAE Standard J580a have also been incorporated in a number of State regulations, which are applicable to vehicles in use. Copies of Standard No. 108 and SAE Standard J580a are enclosed for your information.; A Notice of Proposed Rule Making (Docket 69-19, Notice 3) on Standar No. 108 was issued on October 16, 1972. This Notice includes a provision for optional use of headlamp covers which conform to certain performance requirements. Such requirements are specified in paragraph S7.9 of the Notice (copy enclosed). Acrylic Industries Pty. Ltd. may be interested in commenting on this *proposed* revision of Standard No. 108. The closing date for comments is April 18, 1973.; If you have any questions on the enclosed documents, please do no hesitate to contact me.; Sincerely, Robert L. Carter, Associate Administrator, Motor Vehicl Programs;