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Interpretation ID: aiam1059

Mr. Norman E. Salzman, General Manager, Fairmount Press, 1995 Jerome Avenue, Bronx, NY 10453; Mr. Norman E. Salzman
General Manager
Fairmount Press
1995 Jerome Avenue
NY 10453;

Dear Mr. Salzman: This is in reply to your recent letter concerning the use of a rubbe stamp referencing the Federal odometer law on bills of sale applicable to more than one vehicle.; It is our position that a bill of sale may be used to satisfy th odometer disclosure requirements, so long as it contains the information required by CFR 580.4. The rubber stamp whose impression you forwarded to us contains the initial paragraph of the form set out in section 580.6 of the regulation. It is therefore acceptable as a means of conforming the bill of sale to the disclosure requirements.; The regulations do not require a statement to be made separately fo each vehicle in a multi-vehicle transaction. So long as the identifying information specified in section 580.4 is provided with respect to each vehicle, and the odometer mileage for each vehicle is given, a single introductory statement in the form specified in section 580.6 will be sufficient to comply with the Federal requirements as to each vehicle.; Yours truly, Richard B. Dyson, Assistant Chief Counsel