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Interpretation ID: aiam1096

Miss C. A. McGonigle, Senior Import Specialist, District Director of Customs, Terminal Island, California 90731; Miss C. A. McGonigle
Senior Import Specialist
District Director of Customs
Terminal Island
California 90731;

Dear Miss McGonigle: This is in reply to your letter of March 15, 1973, to Mr. Armstron asking 'whether a hub cap with a wing type attachment is subject to Standard 211.'; Standard No. 211 prohibits wheel discs, wheel nuts, and hub caps tha incorporate winged projections. The item that you enclosed appears to be a wheel spinner which, when attached to a wheel disc or hub cap would create an assembly incorporating a winged projection in violation of Standard No. 211. The item itself is not literally prohibited by the standard, but it evidently has no function apart from this end use. I am therefore of the opinion, if the same source is separately shipping spinners and wheel disc/hub caps to which the spinner may be attached, that these items may be refused entry into the United States.; Yours truly, Richard B. Dyson, Assistant Chief Counsel