Interpretation ID: aiam1102
707 East Queen Street
New Zealand;
Dear Mr. Mitchell: Thank you for your letter of March 27, 1973, requesting informatio concerning Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards with special emphasis on those standards pertaining to fuel systems.; Enclosure 1 is a brochure which gives a brief summary of all safet standards issued through June 1972, and a subscription Order Form, should you wish to purchase a complete edition of the standards from the Superintendent of Documents on a subscription basis.; Enclosure 2 is a copy of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 301 'Fuel Tanks, Fuel Tank Filler Pipes, and Fuel Tank Connections - Passenger Cars.' This standard is currently undergoing amendment that will include rollover and rear-end impact requirements in addition to the fixed barrier collision which is currently required.; The Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety regulates vehicular interstat commerce. Enclosure 3 is an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rule Making concerning plastic fuel tanks (*Federal Register,* Volume 36, No. 178, September 14, 1971) which was recently issued by this Bureau. Further information may be obtained by contacting this Bureau as follows:; >>>Director, Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety, Department o Transportation, 400 Seventh Street, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20590<<<; In response to your question: 'I particularly wish to know if th relevant Safety Standard in force in America requires the fuel tanks to be located outside the main body shell of the vehicles or if it is permissible under this Safety Standard for fuel tanks to be situated in the interior of the vehicles,' the standards as written do not specifically require that the fuel system be external to the passenger compartment. These standards, in accordance with Public Law 89-563 which authorized their development, emphasize performance rather than design considerations.; Another standard which may be of interest to you is Standard No. 302 'Flammability of Interior Materials in Passenger Cars, Multipurpose Passenger Vehicles, Trucks and Buses,' which was effective September 1, 1972. Enclosure 4 is a copy of this standard along with two proposed amendments.; We trust your inquiry has been satisfactorily answered. If there ar any other questions or we can be of further service, please do not hesitate to contact this office. I am also returning the amount you enclosed for postage, etc.; Sincerely, Robert L. Carter, Associate Administrator, Motor Vehicl Programs;