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Interpretation ID: aiam1128

Mr. Jack Molesworth, Partner, Signum Plastics, 2501 Poplar Street, Oakland, CA 94607; Mr. Jack Molesworth
Signum Plastics
2501 Poplar Street
CA 94607;

Dear Mr. Molesworth: This is in reply to your letter of April 26, 1973, requesting that yo be assigned a 'DOT' code number for purposes of Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 205, 'Glazing Materials'. You state that you purchase acrylic plastic sheet from Thailand and Japan, and indicate that you are sole importers of this material.; Under paragraph S6 of Standard No. 205, the assignment of a code numbe is restricted to prime glazing material manufacturers, who are those manufacturers who either fabricate, laminate, or temper the glazing material. As you import only acrylic sheet, you are not a prime glazing material manufacturer, and the assignment of a code number to you is not appropriate.; I have enclosed a copy of marking requirements for glazing materials Paragraph S6.2 requires a prime glazing material manufacturer to apply a code number, which is obtained upon written request to this agency, to that glazing designed as a component of any specific motor vehicle or camper. The code number requirement does not apply to glazing sheets not designed for a specific motor vehicle or camper. If you plan to import glazing material that is designed for a specific motor vehicle or camper, the prime manufacturer of that material, whether foreign or domestic, must apply for and receive a DOT code number.; Yours truly, Richard B. Dyson, Assistant Chief counsel