Interpretation ID: aiam1170
Product Manager Motorcycles
Chaparral Division
Armco Recreational Products
5995 North Washington Street
Colorado 80216;
Dear Mr. Gilleran: This is in reply to your letter of June 21, 1973, concerning Standar No. 123 in which you reference a discussion with Mr. Vinson of this office and ask whether a neutral gear indicator must be provided on motorcycles manufactured on or after September 1, 1974.; Paragraph S5.2.2 *Display illumination and operation* states 'If a item of equipment listed in Table 2, Column 1, is provided, the display for such item shall ... illuminate as specified in Column 2, and shall operate as specified in Column 3'.; One of the two equipment items listed in Table 2 is 'Neutra indication'. However, Paragraph S5.2.2 does not require that the item be provided, only that, if a manufacturer provides it, it shall be a green display lamp and it shall illuminate when the gear selector is in the neutral position.; You are right that this interpretation is at variance with the preambl statement that 'Illumination of the neutral position has been deemed essential'. We are considering whether rulemaking action should be taken on this subject.; Yours truly, Richard B. Dyson, Assistant Chief Counsel