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Interpretation ID: aiam1214

Mr. Gil W. Bellamy, Administrator, Oregon Traffic Safety Commission, Room 313 Highway Building, Salem OR 97310; Mr. Gil W. Bellamy
Oregon Traffic Safety Commission
Room 313 Highway Building
Salem OR 97310;

Dear Mr. Bellamy: Thank you for your letter of July 23, 1973, enclosing an amende version of Oregon House Bill 2721.; We note that Section 2 of the Bill no longer requires a mandator green- yellow-red rear mounted lighting system but specifies that it may be used on an optional basis, in accordance with the suggestions in Mr. Wilson's letter of July 20, 1973. In order to avoid preemption under the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act, ORS 483.412(3)(b) [Section 3] should be similarly amended to substitute 'may' for 'shall' so that all references to a mandatory system are removed from the Bill.; Sincerely, James B. Gregory, Administrator