Interpretation ID: aiam1274
United States Senate
DC 20510;
Dear Senator Burdick: This is in further reply to your letter of September 7, 1973 concerning correspondence you received from Mr. Alton R. Rau of Linton, North Dakota. Mr. Rau objects to Federal regulations which require him to purchase trucks with stronger axles and tires than those trucks which he formerly purchased.; The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Certificatio regulations (49 CFR Parts 567 and 568) require manufacturers to establish gross vehicle and gross axle weight ratings, and to equip new vehicles with components, including tires and axles, that are of sufficient capacity to carry intended loads. The regulations do not establish the relevant ratings, which are established solely by manufacturers. We feel the justification in terms of safety for such requirements is obvious.; We believe situations such as that experienced by Mr. Rau where according to manufacturer's figures, vehicles should have been equipped with stronger axles and tires, demonstrate the need for the Certification requirements rather than showing them to be unnecessary.; The regulations apply only to new motor vehicles, and not to vehicle already in use. For Mr. Rau's information I have enclosed a copy of these requirements.; Sincerely, Robert L. Carter, Associate Administrator, Motor Vehicl Programs;