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Interpretation ID: aiam1327

Mr. L. Clinton Rich, R.F. & W. Auto Wheel Service, 2807 Cresmont Avenue, Baltimore, Md. 21211; Mr. L. Clinton Rich
R.F. & W. Auto Wheel Service
2807 Cresmont Avenue
Md. 21211;

Dear Mr. Rich: Confirming our recent conversation: No Federal motor vehicle safet standard regulates the straightening and subsequent sale of motor vehicle wheels.; Our regulations are applicable to the manufacture and sale of new moto vehicle and motor vehicle equipment only up to the point of their first sale for purposes other than resale. I assume that straightened wheels are used equipment that has been reworked, and as such they would not be subject to any standard unless they were placed on new vehicles as original equipment. There is a standard, No. 110, that applies to passenger cars, requiring the wheel rims to meet the rim manufacturer's specified rim dimensions and to retain a tire which loses all pressure at 60 miles per hour.; A regulation applying directly to wheels is under consideration, but i would still apply only to new equipment and vehicles.; Yours truly, Richard B. Dyson, Assistant Chief Counsel