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Interpretation ID: aiam1339

Mr. Robert Wood, Hyattsville Auto Glass, 5516 Baltimore Avenue, Hyattsville, MD 20781; Mr. Robert Wood
Hyattsville Auto Glass
5516 Baltimore Avenue
MD 20781;

Dear Mr. Wood: This is in response to your November 29, 1973, request to know i urethane bonding material must be used in the installation of windshields in new motor vehicles not yet sold to a first purchaser for purposes other than resale.; Standard 212, *Windshield mounting*, is a performance standard for ne motor vehicles. We do not require the use of specific bonding materials such as urethane, but only that the vehicle conform to Standard 212, whatever material is used. The New York suit you mentioned may involve a question of due care in the installation of the windshield, separate from the question of meeting a Federal minimum performance standard.; Yours truly, Richard B. Dyson, Assistant Chief Counsel