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Interpretation ID: aiam1381

Mr. G.W. Way,Correct Manufacturing Corporation,P.O. Box 689, Delaware,Ohio 43015; Mr. G.W. Way
Correct Manufacturing Corporation
P.O. Box 689
Ohio 43015;

Dear Mr. Way:#This is in response to your letter of January 14,1974 asking about the category into which a Divco truck would fall and the applicability of Motor Vehicle Safety Standards 121 (Air Brake Systems) and 105a (Hydraulic Brake Systems) to them.#The vehicles you have described are 'trucks' for purposes of the safety standards. The applicability of the braking standards is simple: trucks equipped with air brakes must conform to Standard 121, and those equipped with hydraulic brakes must conform to Standard 105a.#I enclose a sheet telling you how to obtain copies of the motor vehicle safety standards and regulations.#Yours truly, Richard B. Dyson,Assistant Chief Counsel;