Interpretation ID: aiam1422
Vice President-Marketing
Certain-Teed Products Corporation
2901 Lakeview Road
P.O. Box 366
KS 66044;
Dear Mr. Mohr: This responds to your January 25, 1974, question whether failure of 'common' clampband assembly on the 'Camtite' emergency and parking spring brake, which would cause complete loss of air to the service brake system and failure of the emergency/parking brake portion of one unit, would be in violation of paragraph S5.7.2.2 of Standard 121.; The answer is no. S5.7.2.2 requires that failure of components commo to the service and emergency braking systems shall not result in a loss of air that causes the parking brake to be inoperable. We interpret 'parking brake' to mean the entire parking brake system. The failure you describe would not render the entire system inoperable, because all parking brakes other than the affected unit would remain operable.; This letter will be placed in the public file for the information o other interested persons.; Yours truly, Richard B. Dyson, Assistant Chief Counsel