Interpretation ID: aiam1436
Western Auto Associate Store
Kenale Shopping Cener(sic)
North Carolina 27330;
Dear Mr. Linkous: This responds to your request for information on Standard 119, *Ne pneumatic tires for vehicles other than passenger cars,* and on a 'Petition No.2' concerning exemption of 'Mopeds' from the motor cycle regulatory category.; Standard 119 applies to tires, not vehicles, and therefore it regulate only the manufacturer of the tire, not a retailer of vehicles like yourself.; The 'Petition No. 2' to which you refer was files by Mr. Robert Smit of Ohio Bikes, 631 Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215, asking for a redefinition of 'motorcycle' to exclude Moped-type vehicles, and a change in the lighting standard to exclude Moped-type vehicles from he present motorcycle requirements.; Yours truly, Richard B. Dyson, Assistant Chief Counsel