Interpretation ID: aiam1536
Volkswagen of America
Englewood Cliffs
New Jersey 07632;
Dear Mr. Riechel: This is in reply to your letter of June 18, 1974 informing us tha Volkswagen of America, Inc. has decided not to initiate a notification campaign as a result of a technical violation of Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No. 110. You ask for our concurrence in your decision.; The designated seating capacity of the Dasher vehicle is 5 (2 in front 3 in rear) and you have informed us that 'some early production cars' bore tire inflation pressure labels stating that the capacity was 4 (2 in front, 2 in rear). The other required information (vehicle capacity weight, tire size designation, and recommended inflation pressures) are, you state, correctly indicated.; We agree with you that 'religious observance of the instruction contained on the placard would provide the car with additional load capacity that would go unused', and have concluded that the situation you describe does not indicate the existence of a safety-related defect.; Sincerely, Lawrence R. Schneider, Chief Counsel