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Interpretation ID: aiam1577

Mr. David E. Martin, Manager, Automotive Safety Engineering, E- nvironmental Activities Staff, General Motors Technical Center, War- ren, Michigan 48090; Mr. David E. Martin
Automotive Safety Engineering
E- nvironmental Activities Staff
General Motors Technical Center
War- ren
Michigan 48090;

Dear Mr. Martin: We confirm your interpretation of S5.3.2 of Motor Vehicle Safet Standard No. 105-75, expressed in your letter of August 2, 1974, to Dr Gregory, that the engine 'start' position may be used as a check position for indicator lamp function.; The phrase in S5.3.2 'when the ignition (start) switch is in a positio between 'on' ('run') and 'start'' is intended to include both 'on' and 'start' as well as any position between.; Application of the parking brake as an indicator check will no longe be permitted for vehicles manufactured after the effective date of Standard 105-75.; Yours truly, Richard B. Dyson, Acting Chief Counsel