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Interpretation ID: aiam1687

Mr. Phillip P. Friedlander, Jr., Director of Communications, National Tire Dealers and Retreaders Association, 1343 L Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005; Mr. Phillip P. Friedlander
Director of Communications
National Tire Dealers and Retreaders Association
1343 L Street
D.C. 20005;

Dear Mr. Friedlander: In the November 25, 1974, issue of the *NTDRA Dealer News*, an articl entitled 'DOT's NHTSA Issues Final Labeling Requirements Under Standard No. 117,' the recently published permanent labeling amendment to standard No. 117 (39 FR 39882, November 12, 1974) is discussed in terms which imply that these requirements are the only labeling requirements imposed by the standard. Such an interpretation in incorrect. Paragraph S6.3.1 of Standard No. 117 still imposes affixed labeling requirements for certain information items which are not permanently labeled on the finished retread.; You may wish to clarify this in a future *Dealer New* issue. Yours truly, Richard B. Dyson, Acting Chief Counsel