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Interpretation ID: aiam1833

Mr. M. W. Kletzli, Director, Parts and Service Operations, Brockway Motor Trucks, 106 Central Avenue, Cortland NY 13045; Mr. M. W. Kletzli
Parts and Service Operations
Brockway Motor Trucks
106 Central Avenue
Cortland NY 13045;

Dear Mr. Kletzli: This is in acknowledgment of your quarterly report submitted on Januar 31, 1975, in accordance with the defect reporting regulations, Part 573. Enclosed with your report were copies of the owner notification letters, service bulletins, and other information concerning your safety campaign (your No. 218) involving some 700 Series L and LL model trucks which may experience automatic application of the spring brakes caused by use of an air line which is too large.; This office has no record of this campaign and did not receiv knowledge of it prior to your January 31 report. Since your owner letters and service bulletins were mailed in October of 1974, it appears that you did not comply with the 5 working day time limit for submitting defect reports specified in Part 573 (49 CFR). You are therefore cautioned that all future reports must be submitted on a timely basis. A failure to do so may result in the imposition of civil penalties and injunctive sanctions against your company.; The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration identificatio number *75-0024* has been assigned to this campaign. Please refer to this number in all future correspondence concerning this campaign. The second quarterly status report for this campaign is required to be submitted by May 6, 1975. A full and complete Defect Report in accordance with Part 573 must also still be submitted for this campaign.; Sincerely, Andrew G. Detrick, Director, Office of Defect Investigation, Motor Vehicle Programs;