Interpretation ID: aiam2025
Chief Engineer
Crane & Excavator Division
1201 Sixth Street Southwest
Cedar Rapids
IA 52406;
Dear Mr. Cozad: This responds to your July 28, 1975, letter asking whether the unloade vehicle weight of a mobile crane carrier would include components that are essential to its specialized function but are not removed for transit purposes. You also suggest alternative wording for a particular exclusion criterion proposed for mobile crane carriers and similar vehicles under Standard No. 121, *Air Brake Systems*.; I have enclosed a copy of a recent notice that amends Standard No. 121 The preamble to the notice deals with the issues you have raised and should make clear to you that vehicle components are not generally considered part of the rated cargo capacity and therefore would not be subtracted from a vehicle's gross vehicle weight rating to determine the unloaded vehicle weight.; Yours truly, Richard B. Dyson, Assistant Chief Counsel