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Interpretation ID: aiam2041

Mr. James H. Whitaker, Associate Professor, The University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06268; Mr. James H. Whitaker
Associate Professor
The University of Connecticut
CT 06268;

Dear Mr. Whitaker: Please forgive the delay in responding to your letter of May 22, 1975 which inquired about the status of tire grading standards.; On May 20, 1975, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administratio issued the Uniform Tire Quality Grading Standards with a series of effective dates beginning January 1, 1976 (40 FR 23073, May 28, 1975). On July 3, 1975, the regulation was republished with minor changes (40 FR 28071). On August 14, 1975, a stay of the effective dates was granted by the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, pending review of the validity of the regulation in a suit brought by eight tire manufacturers.; For your convenience, I have enclosed copies of the Federal Registe notices referred to above.; Yours truly, Richard B. Dyson, Assistant Chief Counsel