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Interpretation ID: aiam2045

Mr. Guy A. Catherine, General Sales Manager, Kleber Corporation, 91-31 Queens Blvd. New York, N.Y. 11373; Mr. Guy A. Catherine
General Sales Manager
Kleber Corporation
91-31 Queens Blvd. New York
N.Y. 11373;

Dear Mr. Catherine: #This is in response to your letter of June 3 1975, asking whether it is permissible to import into this country tire designed exclusively for racing purposes. #Tires designed to be used exclusively on racing vehicles, *i.e.*, vehicles other than 'motor vehicles' within the meaning of the national Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act, are not regulated by the Federal motor vehicle safety standards, and may be imported. The labeling that you propose to use appears to be appropriate to warn users of their intended purpose. Manufacturers of such equipment should take all reasonable steps to ensure that their products are not misused. #Yours truly, Richard B. Dyson, Assistant Chief Counsel;