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Interpretation ID: aiam2076

Mr. Douglas S. McClenahan, President, Charter Arms Corporation, 430 Sniffens Lane, Stratford, CT 06497; Mr. Douglas S. McClenahan
Charter Arms Corporation
430 Sniffens Lane
CT 06497;

Dear Mr. McClenahan: This is in response to your letter of September 16, 1975, inquirin whether approval from the Federal Government is necessary before selling motorcycles manufactured by you.; No approval is necessary in order to market your motorcycles. However you should be aware of the regulations governing manufacturer identification and vehicle certification. Each manufacturer who begins to manufacture motor vehicles must submit certain information to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration describing the type of motor vehicle manufactured (49 CFR Part 566, copy enclosed). In addition, each vehicle must be certified as being in compliance with all applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards in effect at the time of manufacture (49 CFR Part 567, copy enclosed).; If you have any further questions, please contact us. Sincerely, Frank A. Berndt, Acting Chief Counsel