Interpretation ID: aiam2104
Engineering Manager
Technical Information Dept.
Michelin Tire Corporation
P.O. Box 3467
New Hyde Park P.O.
New York 11040;
Dear Mr. White: This is in response to your letter of October 17, 1975, concerning th importation into the United States of tires that will be mounted on trucks intended for export from the United States.; 49 CFR Part 571.7(d) and Section 108(b)(5) of the National Traffic an Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966 specify that no Federal Motor vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) apply to; >>> a motor vehicle or item of motor vehicle equipment intended solel for export, and so labeled or tagged on the vehicle or item itself and on the outside of the container, if any, which is exported.<<<; Therefore, tires which Michelin manufactures for sale directly to truck manufacturer who will mount them on trucks which are intended solely for export need not comply with Standard No. 119, *New Pneumatic Tires for Vehicles Other than Passenger Cars*. When imported and shipped to the truck manufacturer, the tires must bear a label or tag indicating intent to export. Such a label must also appear on the outside of the container, if any, in which the tires are shipped. Importation of such tires is permitted by 19 CFR 12.80(b)(1)(ii), provided they are so labeled. A label need not remain on the tires after they have been mounted on the trucks, provided that the trucks bear similar labels.; Because these tires are not subject to any FMVSS and are beyond th scope of any expected defect notification and remedy program, Michelin Tire Corporation is not subject to the requirements of 49 CFR Part 574, *Tire Identification and Recordkeeping*, with respect to them.; Sincerely, Frank A. Berndt, Acting Chief Counsel