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Interpretation ID: aiam2177

Mr. J. E. Paquette, Director, Burlington Management Service Co., Greensboro, NC 27420; Mr. J. E. Paquette
Burlington Management Service Co.
NC 27420;

Dear Mr. Paquette: This responds to Burlington Fleet Service's December 9, 1975, questio whether the combination of usable parts from several existing vehicles into one functioning vehicle constitutes the manufacture of a new vehicle subject to applicable motor vehicle safety standards such as Standard No. 121, *Air Brake Systems*.; The answer to your question is no. For an assembly operation t constitute manufacture, there must be a substantial proportion of new or fundamentally rebuilt parts. In this case, no new parts, other than minor materials such as hoses and gaskets, are involved in the assembly. The NHTSA therefore, does not consider the operation to constitute manufacturing subject to the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act (15 U.S.C. S 1381 et seq.); Yours truly, Richard B. Dyson, Assistant Chief Counsel