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Interpretation ID: aiam2191

Honorable Robin Beard, Member of Congress, 710 North Garden Street, Columbia, TN 38401; Honorable Robin Beard
Member of Congress
710 North Garden Street
TN 38401;

Dear Mr. Beard: This responds to your January 29, 1976, question whether an owner of vehicle manufactured to comply with Standard No. 121, *Air Brake Systems, may legally disconnect portions of the brake system after a vehicle has been delivered for use in his business.; Section 108(a)(2)(A) of the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safet Act (15 U.S.C. S 1397(a)(2)(A)) prohibits, with one exception, knowing disconnection of safety components by manufacturers, distributors, dealers, or repair businesses. Thus, there is no prohibition on disconnection by an owner of his own vehicle's system under the Traffic Safety Act. However, State statutes, or the regulations of the Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety may prohibit disconnection. In any case, the NHTSA urges that owners not disconnect safety devices without consultation with the vehicle manufacturer with regard to the safest configuration of the vehicle.; Sincerely, Frank Berndt, Acting Chief Counsel