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Interpretation ID: aiam2225

Mr. Clarence J. Baudhuin, 24040 Killion Street, Woodland Hills, CA 91364; Mr. Clarence J. Baudhuin
24040 Killion Street
Woodland Hills
CA 91364;

Dear Mr. Baudhuin: This is in response to your January 29, 1976, letter to Secretar Coleman, concerning problems with your 22 foot Executive 'MINI' Motorhome.; SS 567.4(g)93) and 567.5(a)(5) of 49 CFR Part 567, *Certification* provide that a motor vehicle's Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) shall; >>>not be less than the sum of the unloaded vehicle weight, rated carg load, and 150 pounds times the vehicle's designated seating capacity.<<<; Your letter and its enclosures indicate that your vehicle's weight i 9180 pounds, its designated seating capacity is six, and the GVWR specified by Executive is 9000 pounds. From this information, there appears to be a violation by Executive of Part 567. In addition, the possibility that the rear axle may be overloaded under normal conditions of use may constitute a defect related to motor vehicle safety. I have forwarded your letter to our Office of Standards Enforcement for such further action as may be appropriate.; Please note that a final-stage manufacturer is not automaticall prohibited from certifying a GVWR that differs from that specified by the chassis manufacturer. For the purposes of the Federal motor vehicle safety standards and regulations, Executive is free to certify a lower GVWR, provided the above-cited constraint is observed.; The remaining questions presented in your letter are not matters ove which we have jurisdiction, and probably are most appropriately handled by a private attorney.; Sincerely, Frank A. Berndt, Acting Chief Counsel