Interpretation ID: aiam2316
Counselor to the Vice President;
SUBJECT: Letter to the Vice President from Mr. James A. Graham President, General Industrial Group, Gulf + Western Manufacturing Company; Attached is a suggested draft reply to Mr. James A. Graham's letter o April 30, 1976, to the Vice President concerning a petition for reconsideration of the Part 581 - bumper standard.; James B. Gregory, Administrator Department of Transportation, *Suggested Reply* Dear Mr. Graham: This is in response to your letter of April 30, 1976, concerning Gulf Western's petition for reconsideration of the recently issued Part 581 bumper standard.; It is the policy of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administratio (NHTSA) to issue a notice of action taken on petitions for reconsideration within 120 days after publication of the final rule, unless action within that time is impracticable. Several manufacturers, including Gulf + Western, have filed petitions for reconsideration of the standard in conformance with NHTSA rulemaking procedures (40 CFR 553.35). Since the agency is currently in the process of considering the petitions received, it would not be appropriate for us to comment at this time on the remarks made in your letter.; The NHTSA will give full and thorough consideration to the comments an information submitted by Gulf + Western and the other petitioners. The agency's response to the petitions will be published in the *Federal Register*.; Sincerely,