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Interpretation ID: aiam2437

M. Iwase, Chief, Koito Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Shizuoka Works, 500, Kitawaki, Shimizu-Shi, Shizuoka-Ken, JAPAN; M. Iwase
Koito Manufacturing Co.
Shizuoka Works

Dear Mr. Iwase: This is in response to your letter of November 2, 1976, regardin questions on Docket No. 75-8, Notice 5, for a two-lamp rectangular headlamp system. The answers are provided in accordance with the paragraph numbering of your letter.; >>>1) The two-lamp rectangular headlamps must meet the requirements o SAE J579c.<<<; This is an improved performance lamp over the requirements of SAE J579 and, therefore, must meet the requirements of SAE J579c.; >>>2) The maximum permissible candela for the Type 2B headlamp i 75,000 as specified in SAE J579c. The lower limit for other types of headlamps is retained awaiting future rulemaking action.; 3) SAE J580b as specified in the 1976 edition of the SAE Handbook i the correct reference specification for the Type 2B Sealed Beam Headlamp Assembly.; 3-1) Answered above 3-2) Answered above 3-3) Appropriate revisions to subreferenced SAE standards have at thi time not been made for the Type 2B headlamp. In the case of SAE J580b, conducting the tests with a modified deflectometer to fit the Type 2B lamp would be sufficient. It is anticipated that revisions will soon be made to the appropriate subreferenced SAE standards for the Type 2B headlamp.<<<; Your suggested revisions for the referenced and subreferenced SA standards to incorporate the Type 2B headlamp, including a modified design of deflectometer, may be sent directly to:; >>>Society of Automotive Engineers, Detroit Office, Suite 206, 210 West Big Beaver, Troy, Michigan 48084, ATTENTION: Mr. James Tishkowski<<<; We hope this clarifies the questions contained in your letter. If yo have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.; Sincerely, E. T. Driver, Director, Office of Crash Avoidance, Moto Vehicle Programs;