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Interpretation ID: aiam2563

Mr. L. Wenderoth, Bandag of Nassau, Inc., 40 Brook Avenue, Deer Park, NY 11729; Mr. L. Wenderoth
Bandag of Nassau
40 Brook Avenue
Deer Park
NY 11729;

Dear Mr. Wenderoth: This responds to your March 10, 1977, letter asking whether it i permissible for you to use a DOT number assigned to another tire retreader when you perform special retread work in your plant for the other retreader who lacks facilities to do the work himself.; Standard No. 117, *Retreaded Pneumatic Tires*, requires that th retreader apply a DOT symbol and identification number to the tire. The DOT symbol indicates conformance with Federal regulations. The number enables the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to identify the retreader that manufactures the tire. To permit one manufacturer to use the identification number of another would impair the NHTSA enforcement actions. Accordingly, you would not be permitted to use any DOT number other than your own on tires you retread.; Sincerely, Frank A. Berndt, Acting Chief Counsel