Interpretation ID: aiam2577
Caron Service Center
Route 5
Box 16
MN 55021;
Dear Mrs. Caron: This responds to your April 1, 1977, letter asking where you can obtai vehicle certification forms and a permit to undertake modifications of trucks to lengthen and shorten their frames.; The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) promulgate regulations pertaining to vehicle safety. It is the responsibility of manufacturers to comply with the requirements of the agency. The NHTSA does not license manufacturers or alterers. Accordingly, you need not obtain a Federal permit to alter trucks in the manner you propose. Similarly, the NHTSA does not supply forms for vehicle certification. You may have these forms printed in the form provided by Part 567, *Certification*, of our regulations (copy enclosed). The type of manufacturing operation you describe would place upon you responsibility, as an alterer of the vehicle prior to first purchase for purposes other than resale, to ensure that the vehicle continues to comply with all applicable safety standards after your modifications. Under Part 567 of our regulations, you must attach a label to the vehicle that states that, as altered, the vehicle continues to conform to the standards.; I am enclosing an information sheet detailing where to obtain moto vehicle safety standards and regulations.; Sincerely, Frank Berndt, Acting Chief Counsel