Interpretation ID: aiam2644
Houdaille Industries
One M & T Plaza
NY 14203;
Dear Mr. O'Reilly: This is in response to your letter of June 14, 1977, commenting o certain statements made in the May 12, 1977, Federal Register notice (42 FR 24056) responding to petitions for reconsideration of Part 581, *Bumper Standard*. Specifically, you object to the reference in the notice to the Houdaille cost-benefit study and to the statement that the Harris poll indicated that a 'significant' number of people consider 1/2 inch dents to be damage they would repair.; The notice referred to the Houdaille study as one which indicated tha the damage criteria contained in Part 581 could be met in a cost-beneficial manner. The agency did not represent that the Houdaille study demonstrated that Part 581 standard was the most cost-effective standard that could be promulgated.; With regard to your objection to our characterization of the number o people who would repair a 1/2 inch dent as 'significant,' you should note that it is the conclusion of the agency that the percentage of those people polled (25 percent) who expressed concern over a 1/2 inch dent is *significant*.; Regarding your suggestion that a 2 1/2 mph impact test be adopted, th agency proposed such a change in Part 581 on January 2, 1975 (40 FR 10) and determined after a period for submission of comments and a 2-day public hearing that such a reduction should not be adopted (40 FR 11598, March 12, 1975). The agency's position on that matter has not changed.; We appreciate your comments and have placed your letter in the publi docket.; Sincerely, Joan Claybrook