Interpretation ID: aiam2677
Thomas Built Buses
1408 Courtesy Road
P.O. Box 2450
High Point
NC 27261;
Dear Mr. Tydings: This responds to your September 15, 1977, letter asking severa questions pertaining to Standard No. 222, *School Bus Passenger Seating and Crash Protection*, and Standard No. 217, *Bus Window Retention and Release*.; You first ask whether side-facing seats installed in school buses fo purposes of transporting handicapped or convalescent passengers are exempted from the requirements of Standard No. 222. The answer to your question is yes. these seats are not considered school bus seats' as that term is defined in S4 of the standard. The remaining forward-facing seats installed in the same bus, however, would be required to comply with all of the requirements of the standard.; In a related matter, you ask what your responsibility would be should non-handicapped passenger use a handicapped passenger seat. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) realized when it adopted the limited seating exception applicable to seats for the handicapped that these seats might on occasion be used by non-handicapped passengers. The agency is continuing to study such problems in order to ensure that buses designed to accommodate handicapped passengers provide a sufficient level of safety for all individuals they routinely transport. Standard No. 222 does not place a responsibility upon school bus users to permit only handicapped students to sit in side-facing seats. Of course, any passenger seated in such a seat will not benefit from the protection provided by forward-facing seats that meet the requirements of the Federal standard.; In a final question, you ask whether the position of a wheelchair i close proximity to the rear emergency exit of a bus would violate S5.4.2.1(a) of Standard No. 217. The NHTSA will measure the opening using the described parallelepiped device as the vehicle is constructed in its unloaded condition. Since the wheelchair would not be present when the vehicle was in its unloaded condition, your location of the wheelchair would not violate the standard.; Sincerely, Joseph J. Levin, Jr., Chief Counsel