Interpretation ID: aiam2695
House of Representatives
DC 20515;
Dear Mr. Wilson: This responds to your October 19, 1977, letter enclosing correspondenc from your constituent, Mr. M. M. Davis, concerning the remanufacture of school buses.; The manufacture that Mr. Davis proposes to undertake would mount an ol school bus body on a new school bus chassis. The regulations of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration that Mr. Davis enclosed in his letter explicitly state that the use of a new chassis in the remanufacture of a motor vehicle results in the manufacture of a new motor vehicle. Such motor vehicle would be required to comply with all safety standards in effect on the date of manufacture of the chassis or final manufacture of the vehicle or any time between those two dates. In the case of a remanufactured school bus using a chassis manufactured after April 1, 1977, the bus would be required to comply with all of the Congressionally mandated school bus regulations that became effective on April 1.; Sincerely, Joan Claybrook