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Interpretation ID: aiam2811

Mr. Doug Mills, Rt. 1 Box 149, Tellico Plains, TN 37385; Mr. Doug Mills
Rt. 1 Box 149
Tellico Plains
TN 37385;

Dear Mr. Mills: This responds to your recent letter asking additional question concerning the responsibilities of a person converting a pick-up truck into a dump truck, under Federal motor vehicle safety standards and regulations. This office explained the general responsibilities of a person who alters a certified vehicle in a letter to your associate, Mr. Henry Brown, dated February 1, 1978. You now ask questions regarding specific aspects of the conversion operating and whether they can be accomplished without destroying a vehicle's compliance with safety regulations.; Unfortunately, it is impossible for the National Highway Traffic Safet Administration (NHTSA) to answer your specific questions. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer or vehicle alterer to determine whether his vehicle is in compliance with applicable safety standards and to certify that vehicle. The NHTSA cannot review an alteration procedure such as the one with which you are concerned and state that it can or cannot be done in compliance with Federal regulations. There are no safety regulations which require a specific number of bolts or specific bolt locations, for instance. Likewise, Safety Standard No. 301-75, *Fuel System Integrity*, is specified only in terms of performance requirements, so the NHTSA cannot tell you whether a modified fuel filler neck will destroy a vehicle's compliance with the standard.; As stated in our previous letter, a person who alters a pick-up truc to convert it to a dump truck must certify that the truck remains in compliance with all applicable safety standards. Further, the person who makes the conversion must assure that the alterations do not result in any 'safety related defects' whether or not there is a specific safety standard that is applicable. Therefore, you must determine for yourself whether the number of bolts you use, the bolt strengths and the bolt locations will result in safety hazards.; I can answer your question number 8 regarding possible liability fo removal and alteration of the truck bumper. The Federal safety standard for bumpers is only applicable to passenger cars, so you may alter a truck bumper with impunity provided the action does not result in a safety related defect.; Sincerely, Joseph J. Levin, Jr., Chief Counsel